Training Hiring Managers for Effective Interviews

by Karin Shteg, Recruitment Specialist at InspHire When it comes to hiring the right talent, the role of a hiring manager is crucial. However, many hiring managers are not recruiters, and they often lack the experience or confidence needed to conduct interviews effectively. Unlike recruiters who regularly manage interviews, hiring managers typically

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Performance Reviews: A Tool for Growth or an Outdated Ritual?

Performance reviews are a staple in the corporate world, often met with mixed emotions. For some, they are an opportunity to showcase achievements and align future goals; for others, they are a stressful exercise in defending past performance. But why do companies conduct performance reviews, and how can they be

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7 Budget Friendly Team Activities

Team bonding activities play a crucial role in nurturing team spirit and strengthening connections, especially in remote teams where employees don’t have the chance to share regular lunch breaks or casual office chats. Many managers often associate team building with large, costly events like office trips, parties, or adventure courses.

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